

The tax treatment of cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies, once again surging in popularity, have a unique tax treatment that every taxpayer dealing with cryptocurrency should be aware of. It’s been more than 10-years since the advent of bitcoin and the term “cryptocurrency” entered the public consciousness. However,…

Evidencing SMSF property valuations

The ATO recently clarified the evidence that is required to support real property valuations within SMSFs, particularly in light of the unique challenges brought about by COVID-19. Under SMSF regulations, assets must be valued at market value in an SMSF’s…

Last-minute tax planning tactics

This financial year is almost over, but there are still effective strategies you may be able to employ to make sure you pay the right amount of tax for the 2019-20 year and maximise any refund entitlement. This is still,…

SME Recovery Loan Scheme

Loans for small to medium enterprises (SMEs) are available until 31 December 2021 under the Federal Government’s SME Recovery Loan Scheme. The scheme is designed to support the economic recovery, and to provide continued assistance, to firms that received JobKeeper…