Glen Fairbrother
B.Bus(Acc) FCPA CA
Senior Partner
email: [email protected]
After graduating from secondary college, Glen Fairbrother went to Monash University to complete his Bachelor of Business, majoring in Accounting. Whilst studying full-time, Glen started working part-time in 1999 with Eddie Buttigieg and the team at Cardinia Small Business Advisors (now Insight Accounting). Glen became a full-time member of staff in 2001. Glen built his client base at the Beaconsfield office before joining Matt & Tony in 2005 becoming a senior partner in Insight Accounting, taking over from the retiring principal Eddie Buttigieg. Glen Fairbrother is a Fellow of Certified Practicing Accountants (FCPA) and a CPA Public Practice Certificate Holder. Glen is a CA Chartered Accountant and Public Practice Certificate Holder with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia & New Zealand. Glen has completed the Xero Advisor Certified program. Glen has completed his Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning and enjoys working closely with our in-house financial planner. Glen is a local of Beaconsfield. Outside of work Glen loves to spend time with his wife, daughter, son and family.
- Fellow of Certified Practicing Accountants (FCPA)
- CPA Certified Practicing Accountant Public Practice Certificate Holder
- Chartered Accountant (CA)
- CA Chartered Accountant Public Practice Certificate Holder
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
- Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning
- Registered Tax Agent
- Xero Advisor Certified
Favourite Past Time: Football (Supports the Geelong Cats), Cricket and Badminton
Favourite TV Shows: Breaking Bad
Favourite Movies: The Shawshank Redemption, Enemy at the Gates
Favorite Music: U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers
Best Vacation: In Australia – Great Ocean Road & Wilsons Promontory; Overseas – South East Asia…great food
Dream Vacation: Hot – The Maldives; Cold – Antarctica

Matthew Studham
B.Bus (Acc) FIPA FFA
Senior Partner
email: [email protected]
After graduating from secondary college at St Peters, Matt Studham went to Swinburne University to complete his Bachelor of Business, majoring in Accounting and Business Management. Whilst studying full-time, Matt started working part-time in 2000 at an accounting firm in Wonthaggi, gaining experience in the preparation of tax returns and accounts. Matt later graduated and obtained full time employment with Cranbourne Small Business Advisors (Now Insight Accounting) in 2001. Matt, being a local in the area rapidly built a large client base and developed a strong rapport with his clients and in 2005 became a senior partner in Insight Accounting, taking over from the retiring principal Eddie Buttigieg.
Matt Studham is a Fellow member of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) and holds a Public Practice Certificate through the IPA. Matt has completed the Xero Certified program and continues to participates in the re-certification program.
Matt is also a registered tax agent with the Tax Practitioners Board.
- FIPA (Fellow Institute of Public Accountants)
- FFA (Fellow of the Institute of Financial Accountants)
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
- Xero Certified
- IPA Public Practice Certificate
- Registered Tax Agent
Favourite Past Time: Football, Shooting & Camping
Favourite TV Shows: Live sport, Yellowstone, Travel Guides
Favourite Movies: The Castle, Commando, American Pie, Crocodile Dundee, National Lampoons
Favourite Music: Anything….
Best Vacation: In Australia – Road tripping Australia; Overseas – VEGAS!!! New York & Texas
Dream Vacation: Hot – European island hoping cruise; Cold – New York (Christmas & New Year)

Reynald Lay
B.Bus (Acc) FCPA
Senior Partner
email: [email protected]
Reynald Lay undertook a Bachelor degree in software engineering at Monash University in 2004. After completing his first year, Reynald transferred into a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Accounting at Victoria University; where he graduated in 2008. Reynald is a full member of the CPA, holds a CPA public practice certificate and is a registered tax agent. Reynald joined the team at Insight Accounting in September 2008 and was introduced as a partner in the firm in 2012.
- CPA (Certified Practicing Accountant)
- CPA (Certified Practicing Accountant) Public Practice Certificate Holder
- Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
- Registered Tax Agent
- Spotlight Certified
- Xero Certified
Favourite Past Time: Soccer, Boxing and Running
Favourite TV Shows: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Favorite Movies: Any Given Sunday, Up
Favourite Music: R&B, Uplift and Trance
Best Vacation: Vegas
Dream Vacation: South America