

Fair Work Changes

Although not related to tax, there are a number of changes on the Fair Work front that employers should be aware of: Minimum Wage Increase The National Minimum Wage applies to employees who aren’t covered by an award or registered…

Maximising Cashflow

The predicted slowing of the economy in 2023-24 along with the pay day super guarantee (SG) proposal are sure to make cashflow more important than ever for business over the coming months and years, noting that it is one of…

Do You Have A Side-Hustle?

With the cost-of-living skyrocketing, have you taken up a side-hustle? With new and emerging ways to make money, the ATO is reminding taxpayers to consider if they are ‘in business’ and to declare to their tax agent if they are…

Director Penalty Notices

If your company is falling behind with payment of certain taxes, directors may be held personally liable. To recap, there are a number of advantages in operating a business through a company structure. Chief among them is asset protection. Because…

ATO Tax Time Focus Areas

With the end of the financial year on our doorstep, the ATO has announced its three key focus areas for 2022-23 Tax Time – rental property deductions, work-related expenses, and capital gains tax (CGT). To maximise your claims in this…