

ATO compliance–August 2013

Who and what is on the ATO’s radar this year? The ATO has small businesses, trusts, wealthy individuals and self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) firmly in its sights this year as it outlined which high-risk businesses and individuals it will focus…

Wine equalisation tax- July 2013

How the Wine Equalisation Tax works When the goods and services tax was introduced on to the Australian tax landscape in 2000, there was a lot of angst about the negative effect on the cost of living that this blanket…

Employee and contractor myths- July 2013

Employee or contractor? Some common myths The ATO still finds that there are several assumptions adopted by both workers and employers when determining the tax status of a job appointment, and that employers continually rely on some inaccurate factors when…

Regulatory roundup – June 2013

ATO warns business: Don’t claim loss carry-back…yet Business owners are being warned that a back-log of bills sitting in parliamentary in-trays means that one of the government’s long-promised business tax breaks, the $700 million loss carry-back legislation, will most likely…

Is an SMSF right for you?

Do-it-yourself superannuation, in one form or another, has been around for about 30 years. But it has only been over the last few years that these smaller super funds (or as they are more commonly called, self-managed superannuation funds, or…